As is our tradition, our family of four decamped to the mountains right after Christmas where we met up with another family of four for a week of nothing much. Generally, board games are played.
I appreciate your reading news & reviews. I have the Sara G book now reserved from the library. I need to think about the other one before I reserve it. ❤️❤️❤️
My brother works in sanitation. He's part of a team that pioneered the COVID/poop testing...they can spot trends about 2 weeks out, but when they send their data to the health department, the health department doesn't know what to do with it. AAAGH. Sara Gran sounds amazing. I think I will be re-combobulating well into February, if I'm lucky...
Recombobulation area is in the Milwaukee airport!
Old College Friend says Milwaukee. I have my own pics somewhere from my time living there.
I appreciate your reading news & reviews. I have the Sara G book now reserved from the library. I need to think about the other one before I reserve it. ❤️❤️❤️
My brother works in sanitation. He's part of a team that pioneered the COVID/poop testing...they can spot trends about 2 weeks out, but when they send their data to the health department, the health department doesn't know what to do with it. AAAGH. Sara Gran sounds amazing. I think I will be re-combobulating well into February, if I'm lucky...
SIGH. We are still learning about what we can really learn from sewage.