I know, I know, I am once again way behind on reading your posts. Nonetheless, this one made me cry. I am so happy that your younger teen has you and Scott for their parents. I am sure it has made a rough start into adult life at least a little easier. Parental support always helps, at least when it is true support with the kid's best interest at heard, which I know yours is.

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What a powerful essay about your younger daughter. She is blessed to have you for her Mom.

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Your random musings are always a delight to read. This one is no different.

Your essay for Gloria was powerful and lovely and deeply appreciated by this parent of a trans kid. Thank you for sharing yourself and some of your daughter’s story.

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Lovely essay on your daughter, Adrienne - thanks so much for sharing it.

Separately, I've long been a fan of MONSTERS - the history bit got me from the beginning and I liked how it was a bit of a mix of so many elements (even the sea monster). One of my cousins was married in Cooperstown, so that he and his wife could then have wedding photos taken at the Hall of Fame. They loved every minute of it. Meanwhile, we took pics at the James Fenimore Cooper statue which is HUGE and my son saw his first ballgame in the ballpark there. Something about all this strikes me as ridiculously American (good, bad, otherwise).

Thanks for the newsletter- I really enjoy it.

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The essay about your child is absolutely lovely, a tribute to the ways that our kids can transform us, even as they are being transformed. If only a million and more other people in the US had the grace and warm acceptance you exhibit in parenting your child. Even something as seemingly minor like using the right pronouns can be life-changing; I honestly don't understand why that's a barrier for so many. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Beautiful article about parenting a trans kid and this mom of a gay kid can so relate. Thank you for writing about the joy as well as the worry.

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Incredibly beautiful and touching. Bravo my friend ❤️

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That article is very touching and so you. I loved it. thank you for sharing.

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