My intentions have been A+; my follow-thrus have been a C-.1
Rather than let the perfect be the enemy of the good, I’m gonna just do a quick hits kinda deal. It’s about where I am mentally right now. Stringing together coherent thoughts and reaching some profound2 conclusion is beyond me.
So here we go:
Like Linda Holmes, I am all about documentaries that focus on a scam. Give me your LuLaRoes! Bring out your Elizabeth Holmeses.3 I am all in. I just watched Beanie Mania, which was methadone4 rather than the good stuff. But methadone can keep you going until the next big hit comes along. Or, um, not? This metaphor is getting away from me. You get what I mean.
This Memory Palace pod about New England Granite is proof that the “hold my beer” ethos crosses centuries.5 History is awesome when you focus on how people actually behave, rather than dates and places.
Memory Palace’s former label-mate 99 Percent Invisible6 released a mini-episode this week whose first feature was about the Tour de France. No, it’s not about the cycling or the race or doping. Because this is 99PI, it was about the architecture and how the broadcasters know what they are looking at. It is a wonderful segment and worth a few minutes of your listening time.7
Soul Train and the Business of Black Joy should be required listening for all Americans who think about equity and inclusion.8 Or, if that’s not enough of a draw, James Brown gets off on the good foot and you will dance.
If you liked the Haters Guide to Williams-Sonoma: I am the Tiger.
Speaking of tigers, there’s a new podcast about the one who fatally mauled Roy (of Siegfried and Roy)9 in 2003. It’s compelling and thoughtful — and shows us how far we’ve come on LGBTQIA+ issues in 20 years.10
You probably know this already but OMG, the Austin series of Queer Eye is SOOOOOO GOOD. Episode two nearly did me in11 and it does just keep getting better.
Speaking of Netflix shows that don’t need a boost from me, the second season of Cheer is better than the first. Where the first was your typical reinforcement of the Protestant work ethic, season two is a Greek/Shakespeare mash-up about hubris and getting what you wished for. Then there’s a plague and everything is upended again. Plus, the filmmakers treat every frame with care.
This is super-duper niche, mind, but Wooden Overcoats is back with its final season of episodes. It really does put the Funn in funerals.12
Because my husband is a lifelong Bills fan,13 we watched a lot of football this weekend. Every single time they announce the starting lines, I think of this Key and Peele bit. None more perfect.
On that note, I need to get back to wondering how time keeps passing so fast but with so little to show for its passage. Or, you know, “life in 2022.”
Long story short: I can’t say that I’ve done anything even a little bit interesting over the last few weeks but the days have been full somehow? Time is so weird. I sat down to write something newsletter-y about a million times. Clearly, I am easily distracted.
(no relation to Linda)
mostly because there wasn’t really a scam here, just a basic tulip mania-style bubble. I do think that under-challenged middle-class suburban women drive more of the economy than Wall Street wants to admit, however.
Also you will learn about Liberty Poles (heh).
It’s now part of Stitcher — and I was oddly disappointed that this episode didn’t end with Roman doing a little make-up Stitcher song. Nothing gold can stay.
The Tour de France will always be associated with the Tour de Fleece, which I may do this year. What makes said bike race so compelling to spin yarn by is the announcer commentary on everything, from racers to buildings to pit stops.
which should be all Americans
Related: I’m going to Vegas at the end of March. Any things I should be sure to see or do? (Caveat: I really don’t drink or gamble. I KNOW. I am an enigma.)
Hat tip to Sarah for pointing this out.
Partly because I want these men to come help my trans kid be her best self and I am ill equipped to give make-up or hair or clothing advice. Watching Angel’s face light up when she saw herself in the mirror the way she wanted to see herself was EVERYTHING.
And speaking of, someone on twitter suggested that newly out trans kids should be thrown a gender-confirming shower — like a bridal or baby shower but the gifts are tips and tricks about embodying their newly announced gender and a celebration of being your authentic self. I kinda love the idea.
They get the body in the coffin in the ground on time (except when they don’t).
He’s still processing Sunday’s game, btw, but didn’t stroke out during overtime, which is what I feared.
Thanks for the great media suggestions! Please let your husband know we were cheering for the Bills down here in North Carolina. Dang! When you go to Vegas I would suggest you go for an early morning (dawnish) run along the Strip. It is a surreal experience with many other runners and walkers out there with you while the rest of people are still finishing the fun of the previous night. Then there is always the M & Ms store...Have fun!