I know, I know. Long time. Short explanation: I’m in the 1840s again and away from a computer most days. The first few weeks of having to leave the house at regular intervals always throws my life out of whack. I’ll find the rhythm soonish.1
Before the random links, a quick self-promoting one: I had the pleasure of interviewing mushing’s Berington twins for Many Happy Miles. It was so. much. fun. to talk with them about dogs and Iditarod and more dogs and endurance sports. Give it a listen.
Rebecca Makkai and I are cut from the same jib.2
And here is why “optimizing” just makes me sad.
I will never grow weary of art restoration stories, especially when pulp mag illustrations are the focus.
F1 driver Nico Hulkenberg ran a 5K during the break, which because of the transitive property, means that I can drive an F1 car. Lark and Bower’s deliciously modern weaving is my new rabbit hole.
Once any woman finds herself in the public eye, she will be subjected to ten times the hate that a man in her position would have. Just ask Gisele Fetterman.3
While I certain my invitation was simply lost in the post, what is undeniable is that it is a work of beauty and meaning. Look at the Green Man! Just look at it.
The Coldest Case in Laramie, the newest podcast from Serial, isn’t what you think it is — and the last two episodes resonate.
Also a good listen is Ed Helm’s special edition of SNAFU where he interviews Rachel Maddow about Ultra.4 The two talk about history, why we keep repeating it, and how to make the lessons it offers stick in human brains.
Not only is this the perfect song for my preferred running pace, the video remains EPIC. You’ve probably forgotten how awesome it is.
Stay well, y’all. I’ll be back.5
Plus there have been some other side adventures that include a couple of races and a fun (and small) writing project — but those stories will dribble out in due time.
or is it “cloth?” I always mess this up.
The Fettermans make me wish I still lived in Pittsburgh just so that there’d be an off-chance I’d run into them.
Threat? Promise? Movie quote I just can’t quit?