Merry Christmas Adrienne! We have an ancient waffle iron that someone gave my husband for Christmas decades ago, we no longer remember who and it doesn't work well but he is very attached to it. Last year we gave our daughter one of those palm-sized waffle irons for Christmas so she has breakfast sorted for tomorrow.

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Duuuddde, Crush totally said that.

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To tell you about my life, I am reading this post in February. Because now is the time when I decided to finally clean up my email (got the inbox down from 200+ emails to 23, three of which are your blog posts, which will get filed once I read them). I still enjoy reading about your Christmas traditions/preparations, and I can happily tell you we followed some of your advice anyway. :)

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Merry Christmas- this was a fun read. The Larcenous waffles reminded me that I had a larcenous flower arrangement once. Put it right under my coat as I left the bar. Ahhh, memories.

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Who amongst us has not done the same?

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Merry Christmas Adrienne! Loved this post. I have been way more chill this year (which has been great!). It’s also nice to have 3 teenage girls who’ve been helping a ton!

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That really does help!

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