A quick update, mostly yarn related
I’ve been working on my mittens1 for the project I talked about two weeks ago. I suspect this will be the first pair of many but that many of those pairs won’t be nearly as fancy. We’ll see how it goes.
Also in the knitting sphere, I finished yet another Hitchhiker scarf. This one is from a skein of Uncommon Everyday 100% superwash merino in Turbillion that I bought in Iceland but that was produced in the U.K. The colors, however, reminded me of certain parts of Iceland, which are a rich gray with pops of unexpected colors here and there.
It is now on its way to the person I believe ought to have it, which is what I do with all of these Hitchhikers. I love the knitting and I love using skeins of souvenir yarn. I do not need yet another knitted scarf.

Two new pieces by yrs trly that you can read:
I had the honor of visiting Thistle Hill Weavers and talking with Rabbit Goody, who is a wonder. If only it were a little bit closer, I’d work there in a heartbeat.2
Indoor track season is coming to an end. I’ll miss it, sorta. This may be a sign of Stockholm Syndrome.
Not written by me but related to a story I linked to earlier: Of course there is now a Goop equivalent for the menopausal. OF COURSE.
Finally, something to swoon over: an opulent rail journey.3
I intend to use yarns from my basement stash (not code). We’ll see how that goes, too.
In a perfect world, I’d also write Rabbit’s life story. She has lived a life and made it her own.
Anyone have a spare 10,000 Euro to throw my way? I’d write about it and take some pictures, if you’d like.